Privacy rules

Our confidentiality rules govern the capture and use of personal data. Data is collected when you contact us via the website, by telephone or in person to obtain a quotation.

Please take a moment to familiarise yourself with our privacy policy. This section contains important information about our principles, the information we collect, and the protection of this information.

Our principles

  1. We are committed to respecting your privacy and the confidentiality of your personal data.
  2. We will treat your personal data, including your email address, as confidential and we will not disclose this information to third parties without your prior consent.
  3. We invest in high quality IT security and do our utmost to ensure the security of our customers' data.
  4. We will always ensure that contractors with whom we work together for the operation of this site are bound by strict contractual obligations.

What data do we collect?

We collect data through the use of cookies and through requests for quotations.

The minimum data we need to draw up an offer is the surname, first name and email address, and the information that is absolutely necessary to determine the details of the desired service offer. We require this information to ensure that the offer we submit is tailored to your needs.

How do we protect personal data?

We invest in high-quality IT security and do our utmost to ensure the security of our customers' data. Our IT contractors only provide the hardware needed to run the site. 

European laws for the protection of personal data mean that any storage and processing of the data you have entrusted to us is subject to strict security procedures to prevent unauthorised access by third parties. In this respect, we ensure that your data will only be processed by persons who have been approved by the competent authorities in Luxembourg.

Do we share your data with third parties?

We will treat your personal data, including your e-mail address, as confidential and will not, without your prior consent, disclose this information to third parties.

With your consent, we will disclose your data to the relevant authorities if this is necessary for the provision of the service you have previously requested in writing or verbally.

Please note that we may also transfer personal data to third parties if we are required to do so by law.

Provisions for international users

Our activity is regulated by Luxembourg law. In this context, the Luxembourg legal provisions relating to our sector of activity govern the processing of personal data.

Access to your personal data and corrections

You have the right to request an extract from the data we hold on you and to request rectification of this data at any time in writing or by e-mail.

To ensure data security, we must ask you for valid proof of identity. We will provide you with this free of charge by email. We ask for your understanding that we charge an administration fee for delivery by post.

Changes to our privacy rules

If we change our confidentiality rules, we will publish them here. You are responsible for regularly reviewing our privacy policy here.